988 – The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in the United States

988 – The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in the United States

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Contact Center Services

  • Immediate Assistance: 24/7 access to highly trained crisis contact center staff to assist individuals facing suicidal thoughts, substance use concerns, and other mental health crises.
  • Resource Referrals: Referrals to support services and resources tailored to your needs.
  • Seamless Transfers: Facilitate warm transfers to mobile crisis services or emergency services when required or requested.

Evidence-Based Impact:

Studies have demonstrated that engaging with a trained crisis counselor through the Lifeline significantly improves emotional well-being. People served by the Lifeline report feeling less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more hopeful.

How to Contact 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline:

  • Call: Dial 988 for immediate assistance.
  • Text: Send a text to 988.
  • Chat: Visit www.988lifeline.org for online chat support.

Suicide Prevention Events 2024

Join the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) in raising awareness and support through the Out of the Darkness Walks across Connecticut. These walks unite communities to support suicide prevention efforts and bring hope to those impacted by suicide.

Here are the upcoming Out of the Darkness Walks in Connecticut:

To participate or learn more, visit the AFSP's Connecticut Walks page.

For more information or to join the CTSAB, please visit: www.preventsuicidect.org

About Suicide

Suicide is a major public health problem that has far-reaching personal, social, and economic implications. Despite increased awareness, research, funding, and national agendas, in the United States, suicide deaths have been rising, without pause, since 1999. Between 1999 and 2018, the suicide rate increased 35%. Deaths by suicide outnumber those by both homicide and motor vehicle accidents.

For every suicide death, we lose the unique gifts of the individual who has died. But its ripple effect has a broad impact across space and time—every suicide creates dozens of loss survivors, who suffer immense pain and complex grief and are at greater risk of suicide themselves.

Preventing suicide requires everyone’s commitment, from the individuals struggling with their own thoughts of suicide up to the systems and communities that support them.

Take the Pledge

Hi! I’m Gizmo.

I’m a K9 First Responder and Therapy dog, and the mascot for the CT Suicide Prevention Campaign- 1 Word, 1 Voice, 1 Life…Be the 1 to start the conversation! I promote positive mental health through my guide, pledge, and activities here: Gizmo 4 Mental Health!

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