Give the Test. Offer the Treatment. Help Cure Hep-C
As a healthcare provider, you understand the serious consequences that can impact patients with undiagnosed Hepatitis C — such as liver damage and other significant health problems.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all adults over the age of 18 get tested for hepatitis C at least once in their lifetime, and even more frequently if they fit into any high-risk categories. While we raise awareness of the need to get tested, treated, and likely cured, we ask you, as healthcare providers in eastern Connecticut to offer the test to your patients who meet any of the following criteria:
Over the age of 18 years old
History of intravenous drug use
Multiple sexual partners
Pregnant women (during each pregnancy)
Offer Your Patients the Chance to Detect and Treat Hep C!
Current Hep C treatment options are easy, effective, and can reverse the symptoms.
Get Involved
- Share the ABCs of Viral Hepatitis to help others learn facts about the three most common types of viral hepatitis in the United States.
- If you offer hepatitis testing to the public, register your testing services by visiting and fill out the online form.
- Access and share materials about hepatitis B for Asian and African immigrant audiences.
- Access and share materials about hepatitis C for healthcare providers from the Know More Hepatitis campaign
- Find resources about hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C for clinicians and the public.
Looking for Assistance?
Campbell Building
401 W. Thames Street, Suite 106
Norwich, CT 06360
Office Location
Park in the back of the Campbell Building
Enter through the Credit Union entrance
Contact Us
Our office is available Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm for all of the residents in our district.
p 860-823-1189
f 860-887-7898